Wednesday, August 21, 2013

30 and 31 Weeks

Weeks 30 and 31 have come and gone! These past couple weeks were filled with sweet moments together. We had our last Baby Shower in Blakesburg! We are so very lucky to have so many friends and family members shower us with their love! With my last weeks before school Grant and I spent a lot of time just hanging out and reading/watching movies! We love having time to spend just the two of us but are so excited to imagine what our world will be like when our little one is here with us. 

Another new journey: I have recently found out that I have gestational diabetes. I found this out a few weeks ago and have been dealing with the emotions that revolve around this new chapter of my pregnancy. I have been learning more about nutrition and how to take care of myself and Baby Girl.  I will share more on what I am learning and my journey with GD in a future post. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

29 Weeks

This is the last couple of hours being 29 weeks pregnant. Grant just got off work and snapped my picture really quick. Talk about waiting till the last minute. This week was another busy one. Baby Girl is still kicking like crazy. I love feeling so connected to her. This week I am feeling more and more tired and having a harder time getting around to do things. Baby Girl weighs about three pounds now!

Baby Showers!!!

27/28 Weeks

Third Trimester is Here! With that has been a whole wave of staying busy. While I have been taking my weekly bump pictures, I have had a difficult time keeping up on the blog. So be prepared for a wave of posts that I have fallen behind on. 

I have been feeling pretty good. Summer is coming to an end and I have accomplished almost everything on my To Do List! The nursery is almost ready for our little girls arrival and our home is just waiting for her to be a part of it. More on the Nursery coming soon.