Saturday, October 19, 2013

Newborn Photo Shoot

Auntie Ame used her awesome photography skills to take some beautiful newborn pictures of me! How lucky are we to have an amazing photographer in the family!

Raegan's Birth Story In Photos!

Raegan was brought into this world via an unplanned 
C-Section due to her head being turned to the side. 

I was so blessed to have my beautiful Mother and Sister by my side as I labored for around 24 hours!  It meant so much to me that they were there for us. I felt so much love around me and was taken care of so well! I am so thankful to have these two share with me their secrets to being amazing mothers! 

Grant was such an amazing Coach! He was at my side the entire time. Holding my hand, breathing with me and supporting me through those tough contractions. Just as amazing as he was with me during this process, he was more than that once Raegan arrived. Raegan had to have a few tests done after she was delivered and Grant was there by her side when I couldn't be. It is pretty amazing to here him talk about how much it meant to him that he could be there for our Baby Girl when she needed him. I was so out of it that first hour I couldn't think of much outside of how tired I was. After all of her tests were done Grant was the one that got to bring her in to meet me and I was so happy to have our little family complete! Grant is continuing to be the best Dad and Husband as he checks on us both throughout our nights and helps by taking Raegan in the mornings so I can sleep in! One thing he thought he would never do is change diapers. He has not complained once about doing this. I am so appreciative of how strong and patient he has been! 

We Welcome With Love!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fast forward to 40 Weeks!

Yesterday was our official Due Date! Raegan Rose Riedel was welcomed into this world Sept 26th, 2013! 2 weeks and 4 days before her estimated due date on October 14th, 2013. We have been so very blessed with our healthy baby girl and are enjoying spending this time bonding as a family! I will share more about our birth story in a later post. 

37 Weeks

37 Weeks! This picture was taken the day before we went to the hospital to be induced! It seems like forever ago. In reality it was three weeks ago tomorrow that the most exciting/terrifying day of my life. Being a first time mama I had no clue what to expect once we got the process started. That feeling of sheer excitement that our little one would soon enter the world and be in our arms very soon kept the fear of how she would enter seem very small. We were supposed to head to the hospital Tuesday night but got a phone call from the birthing center that afternoon saying that they were over their limit of patients and I would have to wait till the next morning to come in. Needless to say on the day of this photo, I was very anxious to get checked into our birthing room and start preparing for the birth of our baby girl!