Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Raegan Rose is Six Months Old!

I can't believe our baby girl is half a year old already. How is this possible? Life with our beautiful little girl has been pretty amazing. I can't even begin to imagine what life before her was like. I would do absolutely anything for our sweet, beautiful baby girl. 

This month she has really been working on trying to sit up. She spends most of her time with a distressed look on her face as she crunches forward to make her attempts. It's almost hard to watch ;p She does not like to be on her back for very long. She can kind of sit all by herself but can't completely be trusted. 
Play has also brought on a whole new meaning this month as she is really interested in holding her toys and does not like for anything to be taken out of her grip. 

Sleep (or lack there of at the moment) has been very challenging for us these past couple of weeks. I feel as though I spend my days walking around school as a zombie. I really shouldn't complain, because Raegan has been a really awesome sleeper up until this moment and I know we could definitely have it harder than we do. 

Another exciting milestone this week: Raegan has started eating a very little bit of oatmeal cereal after her evening bottle! She spent the first couple of days pushing it back out with her tongue but now seems to have the hang of it and is eating like a champ! 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

5 Months Old Update

I spend my time at home just watching Raegan as she has started her life long journey of being an explorer of the world! I have really noticed lately that she is more aware of life around her. Wether it's staring at her feet in awe or laughing at my silly faces. Everything is a different experience now. Even    her last bath was different. She amazes me and fills my heart everyday.

Some of the big changes this month are: Needing more face to face attention, tries to sit up all the time, can hold her own bottle (if not too tired), loves music more and more, interested in that baby starring back in the mirror at her, smacks her lips and very interested in food (we will be starting cereal next month), She has also really developed a sense of humor, I love making her laugh and smile!

We are feeling so ready for summer at our house! I feel very fulfilled with being an art teacher and absolutely love working with K-8th grade students! However, lately I am having a really hard time being away from Raegan. I am fine when I am at school but Sunday nights are the worst.

Grant is loving being a stay at home dad, though he will admit that it is a lot harder than he thought. It warms my heart to see the special bond that they share! This morning I was playing with Raegan in bed, she kept smiling at me and then kept looking at Grant (who was still sleeping) and kept smiling at him with so much love! Grant woke up shortly after. The three of us just cuddled and Grant and I made Raegan laugh as much as she could handle. She is so amazing! God is so good!

5 Months Old Photo Shoot

Valentine's Day Photo Shoot!

Play Time

Raegan loves to play! She is so active now and loves sitting in the upright position! She is so interested in exploring the world around her! I love watching her play and can't believe how much she is learning everyday. I never seem to get anything done in the evening anymore she likes to have our full attention. 

She is definitely daddy's girl! She loves anything musical. Especially Daddy's guitar and her new interactive piano. She also loves when we sing to her and will cry when stop singing (makes for an interesting evening).

A few pics from the past month!

Valentine's Day

We had a wonderful Day with our Sweet Little Valentine! It was really more of a Valentine's night since I had to teach during the day. Our theme this year is to relax and keep life simple. So we decided to go some place fun and simple: The Waffle Stop! One of our favorites! After supper we stopped by Village inn and picked up two slices of pie and headed back home. The three of us spent the rest of our evening eating hot chocolate and pie and snuggling up on our bed to watch old movies.

Honey Bunny