How can time be going so fast. Raegan turned 10 months old on July 26th. She is so active and so much fun. She's still our little love bird who loves to cuddle up to us and make us feel so important. Our love truly grows more and more all of the time. Almost everyday Grant and I talk about how we love her and how wonderful she is!
I can't stop laughing at this photo. Every once in a while you get one of these. She is chewing on a Little Einstein toy. I didn't think I would be able to get her to sit still so I gave her a toy to distract her a bit while I got my camera set up. The below pictures are the reason why I was having so much trouble :)
Excuse the messy floor. We just finished sheet rocking the ceilings in a couple of our rooms and having a hard time getting rid of the dust. I don't know how to explain her crawling. When she is really excited it is more like she leaps across the floor!